support +45 2139 0080

call us about your options

Fill in this form to order a Visitor Escort for Copenhagen Airport. Your order must reach us one day prior to the assignment before 5 pm. In urgent matters please contact Lufthavnsvikar on phone: + 45 2139 0080
Company name (ordering)*
Company invoice address*
City/area code*
Company invoice e-mail*
VAT number*
Order / referencenumber (if any)
Name (Person ordering)*
Phonenumber (Person ordering)
E-mail (Person ordering)*
Name (Contact during visit)
Phone number (Contact during visit)
Describe purpose of the visit
Wich areas are you visiting
Number of escorts wanted
Driving assistance on the apron area needed
Does the visitor area require the use of protective equipment ?
Do you need to buy a visibility vest ? (Only if outdoor airside traffic is required)
Date of visit
Meeting time
End of visit
Name of visitors
Special terms for visitors
* Lufthavnsvikar's Visitor escorts are authorized by CPH to accompany visitors in all security zones in the airport's restricted areas, including accompanying on behalf of other relevant companies. * A company, including the person in the company who orders a Visitor escort, has full responsibility for the visitors' work-related purpose on airside, as well as all prior instructions, special conditions and agreements in connection with the visit. * The company, including the person in the company who orders the Visitor escort, is responsible for giving the Lufthavnsvikar absolutely accurate information about the nature of the task, purpose, duration, number of visitors, meeting place, contact person, visiting area(s), and possibly special access routes and define the company's expectations of us before the task starts. The information must appear in the agreement contract. * Lufthavnsvikar’s Visitor escort undertakes, on behalf of the customer who orders the Visitor escort, to follow the rules laid down by the authorities for visitors to the airport's restricted areas, including accompanying visitors to the airport's restricted areas. * Lufthavnsvikar is not responsible for the execution, quality and result of any work in progress, and disclaims responsibility for lost earnings, damages due to work done or not done, which as a result of the guest visit is stopped by us, our seconded guest companion, CPH or other executive authorities . * Lufthavnsvikar cannot be held liable for compensation if the Visitor escort falls ill and has to stop the guest visit earlier than agreed, or in case of non-attendance due to illness or other reasons - (Lufthavnsvikar will always do everything possible to find alternative solutions if something happens unforeseen) * Lufthavnsvikar do not supply the required safety and protective equipment. * Invoicing for work performed by Lufthavnsvikar's Visitor escort is agreed in advance and must be stated in the content of the contract regarding the duration of the task. * In the event of any delays during the guest visit, which are not due to Lufthavnsvikar or the Visitor escort, the customer will be invoiced per full hour beyond the agreed time period. * Lufthavnsvikar or the responsible Visitor escort reserves the right to assess the task and the relevance of the guest visit in accordance with specific rules for legally official errands at Copenhagen Airport. * Lufthavnsvikar or the responsible Visitor escort has the right to, without notice, stop a planned or ongoing escort task if the task or guest visit does not: 1. comply with the authorities' established rules for visitors to the airport's restricted areas. 2. The planned work deviates from the agreement between the customer company, any subcontractor and Lufthavnsvikar - or CPH. * On the day, the visiting guest receives a mandatory briefing by the Visitor escort regarding guidelines before entering the airport's restricted areas. * Reporting of irregularities will be done to the contact person in the company that commissioned the task, as well as to other relevant authorities. * Lufthavnsvikar invoices per hour started - and a minimum of 3 hours. * If an assignment is canceled no later than 17.00 the day before the start time, DKK 0 will be invoiced. * In case of cancellation after 17.00 or the same day, 3 hours will be invoiced regardless of the length of the planned task. * Payment terms are 8 days net cash, or according to a separate agreement.
Accepting terms