Price ListVisitor Escort - new prices until 1st of March 2025In the Transit Area, 1 (one) visitor escort can escort up till 5 visitors at the same time if the visitors stays in a group. If the visitor escort cannot maintain line of sight with all visitors at all time, a minimum of two Visitor Escorts are necessary. Lufthavnsvikar is charging in whole hours from the agreed meeting time and a minimum of 3 hours per Visitor Escort. If you order a visitor escort for 5 hours or more, we will charge a minimum of 5 hours despite the actual length of the job. If the job is scheduled to end past midnight but ends earlier than the agreed time when ordering, Lufthavnsvikar will charge the full amount as original agreed. Charge for visitor escort service in the Transit Area
Charge for visitor escort service on the Apron Area
Prices above are per one authorized escort and all prices are ex. VAT.
Updated terms and conditions per January 1st 2024